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Fun times bring balance to my life

  In the midst of life's challenges, I make time to enjoy what is in front of me. Spending time doing fun things adds great balance to my life.   Spending time with friends is a great way to unwind. Although focusing on my responsibilities is important, I avoid neglecting social activities. Being around others with like minds allows for shared expressions and unforced interaction. It may not be possible to physically get together in these trying times, but virtual get-togethers can be just as comforting. Get creative. Have a virtual karaoke, scavenger hunt, maybe a virtual jam session, or book club.   I enjoy playing with my grandson. Whether that be coloring, reading, playing with his cars and trucks, or running around outside.   Being carefree takes my mind off the seriousness of life. He is so full of energy and zest for life, and it energizes me as well.   Taking some time out for self-care is also essential for a balanced life. I plan my "me time" once a

Present Moment Mindset - Bringing Eastern Philosophy to the West

 You may have been advised to spend more time in the "present moment," but what does this really mean? Present moment thinking has been the concentration of eastern religions for thousands of years.  Religion And Philosophy   Some people are tempted to turn away immediately when Eastern philosophy is brought up just because they think it might threaten their core religious beliefs. There are no religious impositions, though; the present moment is available to everyone in every moment, no matter who you are. In fact, most religions, in one way or another, agree with the belief of living in the moment, not in the past or future.   Eastern Religions And The Present Moment   There are many different divisions of religion in the East, just like the West. Many of them differ with certain beliefs and philosophies, but many agree on the importance of the present moment.  In recent decades, the West has been picking up on these ancient philosophies, and many people use the

Finding Balance in Life

  Can you find balance in your life? Some say you can, while others say there is no such thing if you want to be highly successful.   It's true that many of the most high-profile successful people have anything but balanced lives. But, many of them are also miserable too.   You can attain a high level of success and enjoy all the aspects of your life that mean the most to you.   Find balance with these strategies:   Cut back on the non-essentials. If you're struggling to find balance in your life, a lack of time is the most common issue. Take a look at how you spend your time each week. What are the activities you can do without? Avoid wasting time. Now, consider all the ways you genuinely waste time. This might include watching TV reruns, surfing the internet, or window shopping. The more time you can find in your life to apply to the things that matter, the more balanced you can make your life. Set your priorities. Know what bala

What's really bugging you?

  Many of us get angry, annoyed, frustrated, or downright pissed off from time to time. It is normal to feel these feelings with someone you love in particular. I know for some of us, anger issues are a part of our pattern and either the cause or result of our substance abuse. It doesn't really matter which came first. If this is a problem for you, then you have developed a habit, if you will, of getting angry and maybe even explosive. Some people will call it "anger issues" and look for resolutions in "anger management" groups. And this may work for some people. It has been my experience that anger is not the issue. It is a result of underlining issues.  One major issue is communication or, more accurately, miscommunication. This usually comes in the form of misunderstandings because people "assume." We all look at things, situations with filters from our past experiences. In other words, how I interpret what you say or do is primarily affected by my

What Every Woman Needs to Know about Eating Healthy During Menopause

  Menopause is a natural part of life, but it can have unwanted consequences. Fortunately, many of these symptoms can be controlled through simple changes to your diet. Find out how to lose weight, reduce hot flashes, and protect your heart and bones. Manage Your Weight:   Increase your fiber intake. Your metabolism slows down as you age. Plus, after menopause, women tend to gain weight around their waistline, where it can have the most harmful health effects. Eating more fiber is one of the easiest ways to slim down because you’ll feel full while eating fewer calories. Load up on vegetables and fruit. In addition to providing important nutrients, vegetables and fruits are packed with fiber. Remember you can drink your vegetables but always eat your fruit.   Calculate your portions. At the same time, trying to avoid any treats can backfire because you’re more likely to start craving chips and candy. Enjoy your favorite foods

The Vegetarian Path to Healthy Aging

As a middle-aged person (40-60), you may wonder if it's too late to become a vegetarian. In reality, a meat-free diet could be especially beneficial for older adults. Several studies suggest that eating more plant-based foods can reduce the risk of age-related health conditions and may even help you live longer.   Of course, the details matter. You could call yourself a vegan if you ate French fries for three meals a day, but you'd hardly be a healthy one. It's still important to eat a balanced diet of nutrient-dense foods.   Find out what a vegetarian diet can do for you. Eating more plants may help you look and feel younger.   Vegetarian Eating for Middle-Aged Folks   There is ample evidence that vegetarians may be less prone to heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and certain cancers. The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine review found that a plant-based diet lowers the risk of heart attacks by 40% and the risk of type 2 diabetes by

Eating for Better Health and Vitality

  You are what you eat, as the saying goes. I have been reading up a lot on nutrition. I've always been interested in healthy living. I was a personal trainer and fitness instructor for over ten years, and I knew nutrition was an important piece of physical fitness.  My concern has lately been around hormones and specifically how they are related to perimenopause and menopause. And I've seemed to open up a proverbial can of worms. I have decided to make this week's topic on my blogs and podcasts and videos on healthy eating and its relation to  EVERYTHING!!  The way we look and our skin, body composition, and how we feel in our vitality, energy, and even psychological areas such as anxiety or depression, are all directly related to what we eat. I've been following David Avocado Wolf for the past year or so but just recently has really intrigued me, and I've dived deep into learning more about his teachings on nutrition. I've also decided to make a lifestyle chan