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What Baby Shark Can Teach You About Success

 What makes Baby Shark so catchy? It’s a children’s song and a top 40 hit that appeals to kids and adults around the world. It has spawned dozens of variations and its own line of toys. It’s been viewed more than one and a half billion times on YouTube.


By now, you’ve probably seen the video regardless of whether you have any small children at home. Maybe you’ve even danced along as the family of sharks goes hunting and cheered for the happy ending where everyone winds up safe.


There’s plenty of unpredictable magic behind any internet sensation. However, you can tap into some of the ingredients that make these little sharks such a success and apply them to your recovery, starting with these 3 basic principles.


The Value of Simplicity

The song is only 1 or 2 minutes long, and most of the lyrics consist of repeating the sound DO. Free up your time, save money, and reduce stress by getting down to basics. There is a lot of meaning to the old saying, "Keep It Simple." I don't know about you, but I can complicate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. We can learn to keep it simple.

Try using these strategies to simplify your life:


  1. Buy only what you need. Studies show that experiences rather than possessions contribute more to happiness. Develop a hobby instead of shopping for entertainment. 

  2. Clear away clutter. Take a look at the possessions you already have. Put aside things you can donate or sell. Owning less stuff means less time spent cleaning and maintaining it.

  3. Be mindful. Forget about multitasking. Instead, focus on doing one thing at a time. You’ll experience less stress, and the quality of your work will increase.

  4. Give thanks. Appreciate what you have rather than longing for more. Make a list of the things you’re grateful for.

  5. Set priorities. Figure out your values and what you want to do to live a meaningful life. Schedule your time so you can channel your resources where they’ll have the most impact.
As Simple as these strategies are, they can be very challenging to implement. At Recovery Enthusiast, we provide guidance and support that makes it easier and quicker to simplify your life and reduce stress. Let's face it when we are stressed, we are more likely to make poor choices, impulsive choices. Avoid regretting those poor decisions by booking a strategy session with our coaches. You will gain clarity and transform your life! Recovery Enthusiast book a call

Another important ingredient to success is quality time with Family

Baby shark sticks close to his parents and grandparents. The quality of your relationships plays a big part in determining how happy and productive you are. Surround yourself with love and support from the family you were born into or the one you create.


Try these techniques to strengthen your family bonds:


  1. Talk more. Listen closely to each other. Describe your dreams and express your feelings. Help each other to feel valued and understood.

  2. Eat family dinners. Sit around the same table for a meal at least once a week. If dinner is difficult to coordinate, make it breakfast or lunch.

  3. Spend one on one time. In addition to family outings, plan activities that you can do separately with each child and your partner. You’ll create a closer connection and lasting memories.

  4. Share decision-making. Giving each family member a voice in the process increases the enthusiasm for working towards shared goals. Vote on where to go for your next vacation. Let your child decide which homework assignment to complete first.
Reconnecting with family and learning how to communicate with our loved ones can be extremely challenging. Especially if we have done some damage in active addiction. Getting the support you need can save you time and years, and heartache. Book a strategy session today and reconnect with your loved ones now rather than later or worse, never. Recovery Enthusiast book a call


The Power of Repetition

Tony Robbins is famous for saying, "Repetition is the mother of skill"

Major accomplishments usually require many small actions. Repetition helps important lessons sink in.


Follow these steps to make small changes with big results:


  1. Clarify your thinking. Even when a subject seems basic, reviewing the matter may deepen your understanding or reveal new facets. You could wind up with a stronger business plan or a scarier shark costume.

  2. Pick up new skills. Expertise is usually developed through extensive practice. Be persistent and strategic about building your core strength or looking for love.

  3. Form positive habits. It’s easier to make constructive choices when you make the process automatic. After a month of jogging each morning, it will seem like the natural thing to do.


Baby Shark is so much fun that it will make you feel safe to go back in the water. Let this children’s song inspire you to simplify your life and create your own happy endings. And just like baby sharks, we, too, sometimes need guidance, an extra push to keep us going.

 You don't have to do this alone. Let Doreen at Recovery Enthusiast guide you with her proven techniques that will get you thriving and living your best life today! Book your FREE strategy call and find out how you can accomplish all the above easier and quicker than you ever thought possible.

Until next time stay blessed ✌


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